Bronco CB35107 US GPW 4x4 Light Utility Vehicle mod 1942 w/37mm AT Gun M3A1 (1:35) Product Available! 20 Qty Products sold: 1 124,11 PLN* * incl. VAT
Bronco CB35106 US GPW 1/4 ton 4x4 Utility Truck Mod.1942 w/10-CWT Trailer & Airborne Crew (1:35) Product Available! 12 Qty Products sold: 2 124,11 PLN* * incl. VAT
Bronco CB35079 Sd.Ah.52 37mm Flak Ammunition trailer (1:35) Product Available! 14 Qty Products sold: 1 73,01 PLN* * incl. VAT
Bronco CB35052 Opel Stabswagen Mod.1937 w/crew (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 107,40 PLN* * incl. VAT
Bronco CB35047 German Opel Light Staff Car Stabswagen (1:35) Product Available! 24 Qty Products sold: 0 87,61 PLN* * incl. VAT
-5% Trumpeter 01583 Sd.Kfz.8 Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 12t (1:35) Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 144,48 PLN* Savings 7.22 PLN 137,26 PLN* * incl. VAT
Miniart 35147 L1500A Kfz.70 German Personnel Car (1:35) Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 172,87 PLN* * incl. VAT
Revell 03234 V300S, WWII (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 91,70 PLN* * incl. VAT
Revell 03091 German HalfTrack L4500R (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 100,90 PLN* * incl. VAT
Italeri 6497 Fiat 508 CM Coloniale (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 60,31 PLN* * incl. VAT
ICM 35411 V3000S (1941production), German Army Truck (1:35) Product Available! 6 Qty Products sold: 0 157,17 PLN* * incl. VAT
ICM 35471 Admiral Cabriolet, WWII German Staff Car (1:35) Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 128,84 PLN* * incl. VAT
ICM 35466 Henschel 33D1, WWII German Army Truck (1:35) Product Available! 6 Qty Products sold: 0 158,43 PLN* * incl. VAT
ICM 35531 G4 (1939 production), German Car with Passengers (1:35) Product Available! 4 Qty Products sold: 0 149,11 PLN* * incl. VAT
ICM 35467 Henschel 33D1 Kfz.72 WWII German Radio Communication Truck (1:35) Product Available! 5 Qty Products sold: 0 155,92 PLN* * incl. VAT
ICM 35412 V3000S/SS M (Sd.Kfz.3b) Maultier, WWII German Semi-Tracked Truck (1:35) Product Available! 5 Qty Products sold: 2 162,64 PLN* * incl. VAT
ICM 35535 Packard Twelve (Model 1936), WWII Soviet Leader's Car with Passengers (1:35) Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 1 132,10 PLN* * incl. VAT
ICM 35462 Krupp L3H163 Kfz.72, WWII German Radio Communication Truck (1:35) Product Available! 5 Qty Products sold: 0 164,45 PLN* * incl. VAT
ICM 35413 G917T (1939 production) German Army Truck (1:35) Product Available! 4 Qty Products sold: 4 154,21 PLN* * incl. VAT
Dragon 6724 SAS 1/4 Ton 4x4 Patrol Commander's Car (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 1 138,68 PLN* * incl. VAT
Revell 03099 German Staff Car - Admiral Cabriolet (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 83,08 PLN* * incl. VAT
Revell 03098 Henschel Typ 33 D 1 (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 104,19 PLN* * incl. VAT
Tamiya 35321 Simca 5 Staff Car (1:35) Product Available! 42 Qty Products sold: 3 73,19 PLN* * incl. VAT
Zvezda 3529 ZIS-5B Soviet truck (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 70,58 PLN* * incl. VAT