Aber 16L-17 Zestaw 2 luf do MG13 używanych w niemieckim czołgu Pz.Kpfw. I, Ausf.A wczesny do 1938r. / Set of 2 barrels for guns MG13 (long) used in German light tank Pz.Kpfw. I, Ausf.A early to 1938 1/16 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 94,28 PLN* * incl. VAT
Aber 16L-23 Lufa do działka 2cm Kw.K. 30 do niemieckich czołgów Panzer II Sd.Kfz.121 / Barrel for 2 cm Kw.K. 30 for German Light Tanks Pz.Kpfw. II, Ausf. A-F (Sd.Kfz.121) 1/16 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 4 62,58 PLN* * incl. VAT
RPG MODEL UP-35016 Modern Russian 2A42 30mm Cannon Gun Barrel x2 1/35 No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 37,56 PLN* * incl. VAT
Master GM-35-051 Sherman VC Firefly - Ordnance QF 17pdr (76.2mm) gun barrel (for RFM and Tasca kit) 1/35 Product Available! Products sold: 2 39,63 PLN* * incl. VAT
Master GM-35-050 Panzer IV/70 (A) & (V) - 7,5cm PaK 42 L/70 gun barrel (for Tamiya kit) 1/35 Product Available! Products sold: 2 32,96 PLN* * incl. VAT
Master GM-35-049 MG-34 (7.92mm) - German machine gun barrels - version with drilled cooling jacket - used by infantry and on early tanks (2pcs) 1/35 Product Available! Products sold: 13 39,63 PLN* * incl. VAT
Master GM-35-048 Besa machine gun barrel tips (7.92mm) (2pcs) 1/35 Product Available! Products sold: 15 17,26 PLN* * incl. VAT
Master GM-35-047 A34 Comet - 77mm HV gun barrel & Besa MG barrels with resin mounts (for Tamiya kit) 1/35 Product Available! Products sold: 4 59,25 PLN* * incl. VAT
Panzer Art GB35-124 sFH18 Gun barrel with breech 1/35 Product Available! 2 Qty Products sold: 0 68,12 PLN* * incl. VAT
Panzer Art GB35-123 SIG33 Gun barrel with breech 1/35 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 1 52,40 PLN* * incl. VAT
Panzer Art GB35-118 Flak43 Gun barrel with body for AA Gun 1/35 No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 2 59,39 PLN* * incl. VAT
Panzer Art GB35-116 FlaKvierling 38 Gun barrels with body AA Gun (x4) 1/35 Product Available! 2 Qty Products sold: 0 157,20 PLN* * incl. VAT
Panzer Art GB35-112 Flak337 Gun barrel with body AA Gun 1/35 Product Available! 2 Qty Products sold: 1 59,39 PLN* * incl. VAT
Panzer Art GB35-111 Flak38 Gun barrel with body AA Gun 1/35 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 1 43,67 PLN* * incl. VAT
Aber 48041 Pz.Kpfw..38 (t) Ausf. E/F/G Niemiecki czołg Pz.38 (t) cz.2-błotniki / German tank Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) Ausf.. E/F/G Vol.2-Fenders 1/48 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 37,70 PLN* * incl. VAT
Aber 72L-61 Dwie lufy 5,5cm do niemieckich Zwilling Flakpanzers / Two 5,5cm barrels for German Zwilling Flakpanzers 1/72 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 48,87 PLN* * incl. VAT
Aber 72L-60 Lufa do niemieckich dział pancernych StuG.III, Ausf.G wersja pośrednia / German StuK.40 L/48 7,5 cm Bartel with middle model muzzle brake for StuG. III Ausf.G middle 1/72 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 1 34,28 PLN* * incl. VAT
Aber 72L-59 Lufa 75mm KwK 37 L/24 do czołgu Panzer III,Ausf.N i Panzer IV Ausf.A,B,C,D,E, / 75mm KwK 37 L/24 barrel for Pz.Kpfw.III.Ausf.N Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.A,B,C,D,E, 1/72 Product Available! 2 Qty Products sold: 0 18,84 PLN* * incl. VAT
Aber 72L-58 Zestaw 2 luf do KwK 38 / Set of 2 gun barrels KwK 38 1/72 Product Available! 2 Qty Products sold: 1 17,14 PLN* * incl. VAT
Aber 72L-57 Lufa 37mm do niemieckiej armaty p/p Pak 35/36 – wczesna / German 37mm Barrel for Pak 35/36 Early 1/72 Product Available! 2 Qty Products sold: 0 13,71 PLN* * incl. VAT
Aber 72L-56 Lufa 75mm do niemieckiej armaty p/panc Pak 40 z późnym hamulcem wylotowym / German 75mm gun barrel for PaK40 with late muzzle brake 1/72 Product Available! 3 Qty Products sold: 0 34,28 PLN* * incl. VAT
Aber 72L-55 Lufa 105mm do niemieckiej armaty LeFH 18 lub “Wespe” / German 105mm barrel for LeFH 18 “Wespe” 1/72 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 34,28 PLN* * incl. VAT
Aber 72L-54 Lufa 50mm KwK39/1 do Sd.Kfz.234/2 "Puma" / German 50mm KwK39/1 L/60 Barrel for Sd.Kfz.234/2 "PUMA" 1/72 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 34,28 PLN* * incl. VAT
Aber 72L-53 Lufa do niemieckich dział pancernych StuG.III, Ausf.G wersja wczesna / German StuK.40 L/48 7,5 cm Barrel early model muzzle brake for StuG. III Ausf.F/8 and StuG. III Ausf.G early 1/72 Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 34,28 PLN* * incl. VAT