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Trumpeter 01018 Russian GAZ-66 Oil Tanker
skala 1:35
Plastikowy model do sklejania. Nie zawiera kleju ani farb.
The GAZ-66 is a Russian 4x4 all-road (off road) military truck produced by GAZ. It was the main transport vehicle for motorized infantry of the Soviet Army and is still employed in former Soviet Union countries.The GAZ-66 has gained legendary status in many countries around the world due to its reliability, simplicity and off-road capability. Thanks to standard features such as a front mounted winch, Central Tire Inflation System (CTIS) and self locking differentials the GAZ-66 is extremely popular with armed forces all around the world as well as off-road enthusiasts. Production ceased in 1999, with the GAZ-3308 being produced instead.
Item No | 01018 |
Item Name | Russian GAZ-66 Oil Tanker |
Bar Code | 9580208010182 |
Scale | 1:35 |
Item Type | Static Kit |
Model Brief | Length: 166.1mm Width: 72.6mm |
Total Parts | 420+ |
Metal Parts | n/a |
Photo Etched Parts | 3pcs |
Film Parts | n/a |
Resin Parts | n/a |
Total Sprues | 12 sprues and tires |
Released Date | 2015-05 |